Crisis support
If you or someone you know are currently requiring emergency services, please call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest emergency room.
In the event of a mental health crisis, the following resources may be of help:
COAST 24-Hour Crisis Line: 905-972-8338
Distress Centre Halton: 905-849-4541 (Oakville); 905-681-1488 (Burlington); 905-877-1211 (North Halton)
Fem’aide Crisis Line (for Francophone women): 1-877-336-2433
Good Shepherd Centres: 905-529-4343
Good Shepherd Centres Women's Services: 905-523-6277
Halton Women's Place 24 Hour Crisis Line: 905-332-7892 (Burlington & Oakville); 905-878-8555 (North Halton)
Interval House of Hamilton: 905-387-8881
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
Native Women's Centre: 1-888-308-6559
ROCK Reach Out Centre for Kids 24-Hour Crisis Line: 905-878-9785
Salvation Army Halton Lighthouse Shelter: 905-339-2918
Salvation Army Suicide Prevention Services: 905-522-5244
Sexual Assault Centre Hamilton and Area: 905-525-4162
Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services (SAVIS) of Halton: 905-875-1555
Books & Articles
Daring Greatly - Brene Brown
The Whole-Brain Child - Dr. Daniel Siegel & Dr. Tina Payne Bryson
Becoming Your Child's Emotion Coach - Stacey Kosmerly & Dr. Maria Rogers, Parenting in Ottawa
Do Children Manipulate Their Parents? - Patty Wipfler, Hand in Hand Parenting
EQ vs. IQ: Why Emotional Intelligence Will Take Your Kid Further in Life - Lisa Kadane, Today's Parent
You Can't Love Too Much: How Secure Attachment Helps Kids Thrive - Deborah MacNamara, Motherly
Mindful Parenting: How to Respond Instead of React - Jill Ceder, Parent Co.
What Do Teenagers Want? Potted Plant Parents - Lisa Damour, New York Times
Listening to Shame - Brene Brown
The Power of Vulnerability - Brene Brown
Soothing The Threatened Brain - Dr. Sue Johnson